Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 10, Thing 24: Podcasts

First off, I'm going to complain here yet once again. Why is every freakin' thing blocked on these computers! Trying to view a podcast site provided by the Web 2.0 people, and the lovely Websense screen comes up. I really think that all the linked websites need to be tested first and if it's blocked, they need to get them unblocked so for those of us who are trying to do this quickly, do not have to go through the stupid websense garbage to view library related materials!!!!! Fwah! after five minutes, I'm able to get the page open via websense and of course...done with errors. Nice. Oh even better...I try to do a search and now the page is not found. Just great. So I refresh...and yet again!!! Another freakin' websense page! Websense can go to hell for all I'm concerned. OK!!!!!! That is freakin' it! I'm not doing this podcast anymore. I'm sad I have to miss out on it, but I'm not going thru websense after websense over and over again.

1 comment:

sasr4lib said...

Love your site! That aside, I can't agree more with the Websense Blocking. Why are we even given an exercise we can't do on our staff computers? I tried to get a podcast from a library website and still got blocked. I understand your pain...